Adventures in Cuba Journal- Day 1
Bon voyage! Leaving Atlanta…next stop, Miami!
Visa and charter ticket process:
Upon arrival at Miami airport, I picked up my ticket and visa which were waiting at the charter ticket gate. But wait, there’s one more step….you have to get in another longer line to check your luggage. The ticket says allow 4 hours to check in and they weren’t kidding. I only had one suit case but the Cubans had these large plastic wrapped packages that had me very curious and each person had at least 3 in addition to their luggage. It turned out, these were household goods and toiletries that were not available in Cuba. Oh, and I saw 5,123 flat screen tv’s! lol. Finally, American Airlines gave me my boarding pass and I was on my way!! Note: TSA pre check does not apply on flights to Cuba because, the airline system do not read flight numbers. You must have your pre check card, which I did not carry with me….lesson learned. Also, no there are no flying miles….. While awaiting my flight to Cuba, I had my first Cuban mojito and, let me just tell you that Cubans put trees of mint in your drinks, not just 3 to 4 leaves which is my typical non-Miami/ Cuban mojito. Also I had the best empanadas ever! And, let’s remember….I’m still at Miami airport. .
It’s Boarding time!!
Boarding the flight, I observed the jet to Cuba was larger than the jet to Miami. I was expecting a smaller jet. On the flight, I sat with Cecilia and Tyron Barrington who is a fashion photographer from London and the past manager of Cynthia Bailey from The Real House Wives of Atlanta. We talked all the way there and he educated me so much on how I can really help the people of Cuba. First, he was traveling to teach free photography classes. This was his 5th trip in the last year of which he covers his own traveling expenses. He also informed me on why he fills his luggage with various toiletries and toilet paper! He has a passion to help the people of Cuba, and give of his time and talent. His words inspired me, especially when he said, ” God gives us talents to use to help others.” Immediately, I knew that I needed to do something of service for the people of Cuba before I returned to Atlanta. Celcia (who is Dominican) was his interpreter and this was her first time in Cuba. She to educated me on how when she goes back to Dominican Republic, she sees her clothes on younger generations that have been passed down. Knowledge is power and I was empowered even before we landed.
Jose Marti Airport…Hola Cuba!!
After deplaning and walking on the jet way, I processed through customs and headed to baggage claim. WTH….this is a damn mad house!! Easily, there was 150 people waiting on luggage and it took me over an hour to get my bag as it came on the opposite carousel from the number on the screen. By this time, I’ve stood in one place so long that my ankles and feet started to swell. Finally, time to get my taxi. The arrival exit is like walking the red carpet….hundreds of people were waiting and yelling for family members as the exited the baggage claim. I converted some cash and grabbed the first taxi I saw.
Galiano and Concordia…I’m home!! Central Havana!! (see AirBNB Link here)
The taxi driver helped me find the correct door to where I will be lodging for the next five days. Upon my arrival, Arnei my AirBnB host comes out to greet me. She grabs my luggage and we start up the stairs, climbing…..still climbing…..still climbing…..wth 10 flights to get to the third floor! Arnei’s husband, George welcomes me and gives me maps, keys, and explains the house rules. Then, he takes me to the roof top to get pictures.
Mi Casa
The house is a very modest 3 bedroom home (2 for Airbnb guest) and one bathroom. The balcony off the kitchen was the best ever! And the rooftop was amazing. After I dumped my stuff, changed my shoes, and decided what essentials I needed, I was off to find wifi.
So, two block from mi Casa, there is a wifi park and as soon as you enter the park, a card sellers starts hounding you, lol. A Wifi card is $5cc (approx. $6) for 1 hour. The park is packed with people all day and all night using cellphone, laptops and tablets. Once granted access, I called everyone to let them know I arrived safely. Now, I can begin my Cuban experience!
Hotel Iglatera!!!
I couldn’t help but notice this hotel sign as I walked down San Rafel towards the city center. It is now Mojito time and shortly after sitting, the live music begins. The band rendition of Besa Me stole my heart. The lead singers voice sounded like what I’ve always heard in Cuban music, baritone and perfect pitch. Shortly there after, I was joined by two African men, one from South Africa (Mike) and one from Ethiopia. Mike and I talked for 20 minutes about Atlanta, he informed me that he was educated there in 1999 and he worked at Wachovia on Clairmont Road before moving to Cuba. Two mojitos cost a whole $7cc ($3 usd each). After enjoying some good music, people and of course mojitos, I headed back home to rest up for the next day long day. Note to self: Mojitos and 10 flights of steps are not a good combination…lol!
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